Welcome to Sugrmed

Caring for you, every step of the way.

Our Values
Counterfeit and curative chemistry, devoted discovery and systematic and analytical teams make sure a consistent, ordered, smooth and absolute transformation, progress and realignment for our project from drug discovery to development.
All for one and one for all is the main motto of our company. As companies put much required efforts for the betterment and improvised efficiency and product excellency, teams play a major and lead role and are becoming more important than ever, and we are proficient enough and are handling most of the developmental works that goes on in manufacturing facilities.
In terms of conservationist sustainability, feasibility and viability, advocate , commend and take support to contribute to the expansion and evolution and implementation of policies, strategies and master plan that recognize, minimize and mitigate the environmental effects of pharmaceuticals and medicines-related practices. This includes the research, experimentation, analysis, development, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, dispensing, use and disposal of the drug. The organizational and legislative procedure regulating medicines and the knowledge and training of the pharmaceutical workforce for such role.
Integrity is highly valuable in each and every company or industry. It helps in creation of faith among regulatory agencies and the company as a whole. It subtracts the need for inspecting each and every procedure involved in the production, building and supply of medicines. It is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical industry to ensure efficacy, efficiency, quality and safety of drugs, and at the same time safeguard public health. All this has led to the raised importance of data security and integrity in pharmaceuticals over last few years.
Excellence is a key goal for any competitive organization, as speed, efficiency and any other benefits afforded by optimized processes are critical enablers to success. It is especially true in the pharmaceutical industry, where intense competition and strict regulations make it essential that processes are optimized to avoid losing time and resources attempting to beat the competition to market or ensuring compliance. The time needed from the product idea to market readiness is a critical success factor, allows data-based decisions to be made as early as the product development phase and applied seamlessly to the production process. Therefore, in the future, we will be able to respond quicker and even more flexibly to high customer requirements.
The increased complexity in healthcare and the constant and improved evolution of personalized treatments have made it necessary for all the agents that makeup the health sector to focus on patient safety, with the aim of preventing and reducing risks, errors and potential damages that people may suffer during the provision of health care. Patient safety is essential to provide quality essential health services. There is a clear consensus that quality health services around the world must be effective, safe and people centered. Pharmaceutical industry has been committed for years to patient safety in all areas that have to do with research, development, manufacture, marketing and proper use of medicines.
Our Products

Committed to Quality

A commitment to quality excellence is essential for pharmaceutical manufacturers to ensure patient safety, satisfaction, contentment and gratification, which results in business success. By sustaining a patient and quality focused environment, we assure that patients are well served by the generic and bio-similar pharmaceutical factory or industry.
Clinical Development

Clinical development, which is also known as drug development, is a blanket and secret term which is used to define the entire procedure of bringing a new drug to the market. It includes and works with invention of medication, development of invented drug, pre-clinical research on microorganisms and animals and clinical trials on human beings.


Pharmaceutical biotechnology is a relatively new and growing field in which the principles and biotechnology are applied to the development and growth of the medicines. A majority of therapeutic drugs in the present market are bio-formulations, such as antibodies, nucleic acid products and vaccines. These are developed through several stages that include understanding the principles, underlying health and diseases.

Regulatory & Access

Access and regulation that needs demonstration of safety, welfare, efficacy and effectiveness entails costs as well as benefits. The appropriate and prominent extent and structure of this regulation has been debated in the academic and policy. Benefits of regulatory and access include preventing unsafe and ineffective dugs from being sold and requiring the production of unbiased information about drug outcome, including risks, benefits, and contraindication as demonstrated in controlled trials.

Functional Service

A functional service provides a diversified and wide variety of clinical trial services on an individual order type basis-as opposed to a full suite of services. This permits the pharmaceutical companies to outscore only what they need to fit the budgets and other factors.